3 Tips For How To Be Yourself So You Can Shine!

Last week I was talking to someone and he asked me this question: “How can I be more myself and show it to the world?”. It was such a wonderful question because it really is about the authentic you.

And accidently (or not), today I drew a card and it said: shining!

What is it about shining? What does it say? Well my advice is that it invites you to be YOU. And how do you do this? Well, by taking your true place. Being really sure about yourself. Being confident and making sure any situation works for yourself. Even when you feel defeated you believe in yourself and those around you. Live your true value and inspire others with this gift.

My 3 tips for more shine in your life:

#1 By loving yourself immensely and embracing your own imperfections

No matter what you do, what you like and who you are, I don’t think anyone can have too many reminders that you matter. Maybe you spend some of your time boosting other people up, and not enough time making yourself feel valued. Sometimes we lack inspiration, and sometimes our self-love slips our mind completely.

#2 By putting yourself first

When we feel stressed we have the tendency to run around taking care of everybody else. Maybe you struggle with the idea of putting yourself first. We were raised to think we should always put others before ourselves and ignore our own needs—that it is somehow arrogant or self-centered, and not a nice thing to do. Self-care is not held in high regard and even considered as egoistic. But it is so essential. So it is time to stop now, and give yourself the space, attention and love that you also allow others.

#3 By letting yourself show

Show who you really are. Don’t be shy about this. You are good enough with all your imperfections and super qualities. Speak up, show yourself to your friends, family and colleagues. Who are you? What do you like and how do you want to live your life? These are some of the questions you can ask yourself first. We all suffer from lack of self love and self-care from time to time: too little rest, too little balance and too little energy could have a tremendous effect on our mind.

How do you regain confidence in yourself and in others? How do you deal with your own happiness and at work in times of change? What do you want for yourself? And what are you still worried about? With your question and learning objectives, we will get started on our next training.

I will start the Journey To You-programme in 6 weeks. Will you join me?